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Keyword Density


Keyword Density refers to the proportion of the number of times a specific keyword or phrase appears in the overall text on an app's product page or promotional content. From the perspective of ASO (App Store Optimization), keyword density is a crucial element in determining how an app appears in search results and how appealing and relevant it is to users.

1. Optimization of Search RankingApp descriptions and titles with appropriate keyword density may be deemed more relevant by the app store's search algorithm. This can improve the search ranking of the app, leading to more downloads.2. Improvement of User ExperienceBy using keywords appropriately, the app's description and metadata become clearer and easier to understand, effectively providing the information users are looking for.3. Differentiation from SpamContent that is overly stuffed with keywords may be considered low quality by the app store. By maintaining appropriate keyword density, there is a higher chance that the app will be evaluated as trustworthy.4. Clarification of App FocusBy being mindful of keyword density, you can effectively communicate the main features and benefits of the app to users.

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